Dipicolinic acid (DPA) is a major constituent of spores and reportedly provides protection against inactivation by various thermal processes; however, the relationship between DPA and resistance towards pressure-assisted thermal processing is not well understood. Thermal and pressure-assisted thermal inactivation studies of Clostridium botulinum nonproteolytic strains QC-B and 610-F, proteolytic strain Giorgio-A, and thermal surrogate Clostridium sporogenes PA3679 spores suspended in ACES buffer (0.05 M, pH 7.0) were performed to determine if a relationship exists between DPA release and log reduction of spores. Thermal inactivation at 80, 83, and 87 °C for nonproteolytic strains and 101, 105, and 108 °C for the proteolytic strain and thermal surrogate were conducted. Pressure-assisted thermal inactivation for nonproteolytic strains at 83 °C/600 MPa and for the proteolytic strain and thermal surrogate at 105 °C/600 MPa were performed. Surviving spores were enumerated by 5-tube MPN method for log reductions and analyzed for released DPA by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The correlation between MPN log reductions, released DPA, and D-values were calculated. A positive correlation between released DPA and log reduction of spores was observed for QC-B and 610-F at 80 and 83 °C (r = 0.6073 − 0.7755; P < 0.01). At 87 °C, a positive correlation was detected for 610-F (r = 0.4242, P < 0.05) and no correlation was observed for QC-B (r = 0.1641; P > 0.05). A strong, positive correlation (r = 0.8359 − 0.9284; P < 0.05) between released DPA and log reduction of spores was observed for Giorgio-A at 101, 105, and 108 °C, and a strong, positive correlation (r = 0.8402; P < 0.05) was observed for PA3679 at 101 °C. A positive correlation (r = 0.5646 − 0.6724; P < 0.01) was observed for QC-B, 610-F, and Giorgio-A after pressure-assisted thermal treatment. No correlation (r = 02494; P > 0.05) was found for PA3679 after pressure-assisted thermal treatment. These results suggest a correlation exists between DPA release and heat resistance; however, the level of correlation varied between strains and temperatures. The findings from this research may aid in the development of spore inactivation strategies targeting the thermal resistance profiles of various strains of C. botulinum spores.
Historically, low-moisture foods were considered to have minimal microbial risks. However, they have been linked to many high-profile multistate outbreaks and recalls in recent years, drawing research and extension attention to low-moisture food safety. Limited studies have assessed the food safety research and extension needs for the low-moisture food industry. The objectives of this needs assessment were to explore the food safety culture and education needs, identify the food safety challenges and data gaps, and understand the barriers to adopting food-safety-enhancing technologies in the U.S. low-moisture food industry. This needs assessment was composed of two studies. In Study 1, food safety experts from the low-moisture food industry upper management participated in online interviews and a debriefing discussion session. In Study 2, an online anonymous survey was disseminated to a different group of experts with experience in the low-moisture food industry. The qualitative data were analyzed using deductive and inductive coding approaches, while the quantitative data were analyzed via descriptive analysis. Twenty-five experts participated in the studies (Study 1: n = 12; Study 2: n = 13). Common commodities that participants had worked with included nuts and seeds, spices, flour, and dried fruits and vegetables. A food safety culture conceptual framework was adapted, which included three main components: infrastructure conditions (foundation), individual’s food safety knowledge, attitudes, and risk perceptions; and organizational conditions (supporting pillars). Major barriers to establishing a positive food safety culture were identified to be limited resources, difficulties in risk communication, and difficulties in behavioral change. For continual improvement in food safety performance, two major themes of food safety challenges and data gaps were identified: cleaning, sanitation, and hygienic design; and pathogen reduction. Participants perceived the main barriers discouraging the low-moisture food industry from adopting food-safety-enhancing technologies were: (1) budgetary priorities, (2) operation constraints, (3) technology validation, (4) consumer acceptance, and (5) maintaining desired product characteristics such as quality and sensory functionality. The findings of this needs assessment provide guidance for the food industry, academia, and government agencies about the direction of future research and the development of targeted extension programs that might help improve food safety in the low-moisture food industry.
Market hog lymph nodes (LNs) can contaminate carcasses with Salmonella, as well as ground and comminuted pork products. The objective of this study was to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of LNs from several regions and seasons in the United States to establish a Salmonella prevalence and concentration baseline. Six types of LNs (axillary, mesenteric, subiliac, tracheobronchial, superficial inguinal, prescapular), and tonsils were sampled from market hog carcasses from different regions (east, central, and west) and seasons (winter, spring, and summer/fall). Salmonella was detected and enumerated using BAX®-System-SalQuant® methods and the BAX®-System Real-Time Salmonella Assay. Salmonella prevalence (N = 4,132) was 36% for tonsils, 35% for mesenteric LN, and less than 10% for the other LN types. Of the 601 carcasses tested, 62% were positive for Salmonella, with the highest prevalence occurring during spring in the east (90.9%), and the lowest prevalence occurring during spring in the central region (26.0%). Tonsil prevalence was greatest in the eastern region during spring. Mesenteric LN prevalence was high (>20%) regardless of season or region. Salmonella prevalence in tracheobronchial, subiliac, axillary, and superficial inguinal LNs was generally greatest during the spring or fall and in the eastern region. The median SalQuant® Salmonella concentration was 2.18 log10 Salmonella cells/sample. Median SalQuant® concentration for all other sample types fell below the limit of quantification (1 log10 Salmonella cells/sample). This longitudinal study can be used by the pork industry for risk assessments and risk-based decision-making.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has guidelines for cooling cooked foods in retail operations. Data on foodborne illness risk factors in restaurants indicate that cooling is often out of compliance with these guidelines. We sought to identify factors under the control of the operator that had a significant effect on the cooling rates of cooked foods. Minneapolis Minnesota Health Inspectors were trained in standardized operating procedures for cooling data collection. Data loggers set to appropriate time intervals and calibrated to ±0.5 °C (∼1°F) were used in data collection. Analysis was performed using the R statistical computing language version 4.2.2. Preexisting pathogen models were used to predict Log CFU increases of Clostridium perfringens or Bacillus cereus. Data from 224 recipes were recorded by inspectors between October 2018 and October 2019. Food depth had a highly significant effect (p = 8.90E−08) on cooling rate. The use of an ice bath or ice wand was also significant (p < 0.005). There was a significant correlation between container material (metal or plastic) and food depth because foods with a greater depth are often being cooled in plastic containers. Foods at a depth greater than 5.1 cm (2 in.) that cooled faster than 0.23 log(°C)/h were often wholly or partially cooled in blast chillers or freezers, cooled using an ice bath or ice wand (or both), or were composed of protein pieces (e.g., chicken wings) that facilitated more rapid cooling due to air gaps in the food. Foods in shallow containers at a food depth of less than or equal to ∼5.1 cm (2 in.) that cooled more slowly than 0.23 log(°C)/h were being cooled at temperatures greater than 5 °C (41°F) or were partially or wholly covered. These foods also showed little evidence of pathogen growth from predictive models. Our analysis shows that cooling foods in shallow containers at a food depth of less than or equal to ∼5.1 cm (2 in.) poses little risk of significant pathogen growth.
The foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes can persist in produce processing environments, which increases the risk for food contamination. Increased resistance to antimicrobials commonly used in cleaning and sanitizing procedures may contribute to L. monocytogenes’ persistence in these environments. This study aimed to evaluate sanitizer resistance in L. monocytogenes isolates collected from three tree fruit packing facilities (F1, F2, and F3) during packing seasons 2020–2021 (Y1) and 2021–2022 (Y2), and to assess evidence of persistence based on the genomic similarity of isolates to historical isolates collected in previous years. L. monocytogenes isolates collected in 2020–2022 (n = 44) were tested for resistance to peroxyacetic acid (PAA) and a proprietary biofilm−removing agent using a broth microdilution assay. Further, L. monocytogenes isolates were whole genome sequenced and screened for the presence of antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes, as well as to assess the genomic similarity of isolates using the CFSAN SNP bioinformatic pipeline. Over half (57%) of the tested isolates had a PAA minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 250 ppm, which was similar to the applied concentration of the PAA sanitizer in the three facilities (230 ppm). In contrast, 80% of tested isolates had a biofilm remover MIC of 0.13 ppm, which was substantially below the concentration applied in the facilities (137 ppm). Genomes of all tested isolates carried antimicrobial resistance (fosX, lin, mdrL, mprF, and norB) and virulence (inlA, inlB, plcA, plcB, prfA, hly, mpl, and iap) genes. L. monocytogenes isolates collected between 2020 and 2022 belonged to three distinct lineages, with 22 multilocus sequence types (MLSTs) belonging to 22 different clonal complexes. Genomic similarity analysis with historical isolates collected from the same facilities in 2016–2017 demonstrated a 5-year persistence of the genotypes ST 1003 and ST 554 in F2, which were no longer detected in 2022. Overall, our results highlight the need to re-evaluate sanitizer concentrations to effectively control persistent L. monocytogenes strains in tree fruit packing facilities.
Giardia duodenalis is a globally distributed intestinal parasite that commonly infects both humans and animals. G. duodenalis is a species complex, which includes eight assemblages that vary both in genetic structure and host specificity. The prevalence of mixed-assemblage G. duodenalis cysts on food, an understudied infection route for G. duodenalis, remains unknown. In the present study, a method able to detect G. duodenalis mixed-assemblage infections using next-generation amplicon sequencing (NGS) of the beta-giardin gene was applied in combination with the US-FDA’s BAM Chapter 19b protocol for the detection of G. duodenalis from fresh produce to ascertain the limit of detection of G. duodenalis on leafy greens. Ready-to-eat baby Romaine lettuce was inoculated with 5 (n = 5), 20 (n = 10), 100 (n = 10), 200 (n = 10), or 1,000 (n = 10) G. duodenalis cysts of the assemblage B strain H3. Detection of G. duodenalis was successful in 100% of the samples seeded with 1,000, 200, and 100 cysts, in 50% of the samples seeded with 20 cysts, and in none of the samples seeded with 5 cysts. We thus demonstrate robust detection of G. duodenalis on packaged leafy greens using the BAM Chapter 19B method coupled with assemblage-sensitive NGS. This protocol provides a new diagnostic tool useful for both prevalence studies and outbreak investigations involving fresh produce that may assist in better describing the role of G. duodenalis in foodborne illness and in protecting consumers from contaminated fresh produce.