Mangrove forests are typically considered resilient to natural disturbances, likely caused by the evolutionary adaptation of species-specific traits. These ecosystems play a vital role in the global carbon cycle and are responsible for an outsized contribution to carbon burial and enhanced sedimentation rates. Using eddy covariance data from two coastal mangrove forests in the Florida Coastal Everglades, we evaluated the impact hurricanes have on mangrove forest structure and function by measuring recovery to pre-disturbance conditions following Hurricane Wilma in 2005 and Hurricane Irma in 2017. We determined the “recovery debt,” the deficit in ecosystem structure and function following a disturbance, using the leaf area index (LAI) and the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide (CO2). Calculated as the cumulative deviation from pre-disturbance conditions, the recovery debt incorporated the recapture of all the carbon lost due to the disturbance. In Everglades mangrove forests, LAI returned to pre-disturbance levels within a year, and ecosystem respiration and maximum photosynthetic rates took much longer, resulting in an initial recovery debt of 178 g C m−2 at the tall forest with limited impacts at the scrub forest. At the landscape scale, the initial recovery debt was 0.40 Mt C, and in most coastal mangrove forests, all lost carbon was recovered within just 4 years. While high-intensity storms could have prolonged impacts on the structure of subtropical forests, fast canopy recovery suggests these ecosystems will remain strong carbon sinks.
Understanding the fates of organisms and ecosystems under global change requires consideration of the organisms' rapid adaptation potential. In the Arctic, the recent temperature increase strongly impacts freshwater ecosystems which are important sentinels for climate change. However, a mechanistic understanding of the adaptive capacity of their key zooplankton grazers, among them polyploid, obligate parthenogenetic Daphnia, is lacking. Theory suggests low adaptation potential of asexual animals, yet examples exist of asexuals persisting through marked environmental changes. Here, we studied asexual Daphnia pulicaria from a meromictic lake in South-West Greenland. Its oxycline hosts purple sulfur bacteria (PSB), a potential food source for Daphnia. We tested two key phenotypic traits: (1) thermal tolerance as a response to rapid regional warming and (2) hypoxia tolerance tied to grazing of PSB in the hypoxic/anoxic transition zone. To assess Daphnia's adaptive capacity, we resurrected Daphnia from dormant eggs representing a historical subpopulation from 2011, sampled modern subpopulation representatives in 2022, and measured phenotypic variation of thermal (time to immobilization—Timm) and hypoxia tolerance (respiration rate and critical oxygen limit—Pcrit) in clonal lineages of both subpopulations. Whole genome sequencing of the tested clonal lineages identified three closely related genetic clusters, one with clones from both subpopulations and two unique to each subpopulation. We observed significantly lower Timm and a trend for higher Pcrit and respiration rates in the modern subpopulation, indicating a lower tolerance to both high temperature and hypoxia in comparison with the historical subpopulation. As these two traits share common physiological mechanisms, the observed phenotypic divergence might be driven by a relaxed selection pressure on hypoxia tolerance linked to variation in PSB abundance. Our results, while contrary to our expectation of higher thermal tolerance in the modern subpopulation, provide evidence for phenotypic change within a decade in this asexual Daphnia population.