In this study, the dyestuff and antimicrobial properties were examined using extracts obtained from mint (Mentha spicata L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) plants. Cotton and woolen fabric samples were used in the dyeing process using pre–, meta–, post– mordant, and non–mordant dyeing methods. CuSO4, FeSO4, and AlK(SO4)2 mordants were used as stabilizers and color changers. The color analysis of the dyed textile samples was evaluated in terms of rubbing, washing, and light fastness values. The color codes were determined with the Pantone Color Guide, and the L∗, a∗, b∗, C∗, ho, and K/S values were detected with a color measurement spectrophotometer. The highest K/S value was measured as 23.050 for FeSO4 with meta–mordanting method for dyed wool yarn using thyme extract. The antimicrobial properties of the dyed fabrics were determined by the disk diffusion method. Among the mordants used, dyeing with CuSO4 showed better antimicrobial properties than other mordants. As the textile dyed products possess antimicrobial properties, we believe their use in health centers will make a positive contribution to hygiene. As a result, it was determined that extracts obtained from mint (Mentha spicata L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) plants were effective natural dye sources for textile products.
Let be a simple undirected graph, and let be its Seidel matrix. The Seidel energy of is defined as , where are Seidel eigenvalues of . Recently, researchers have studied the effect of embedded edges on the distance energy of complete bipartite graphs. In this paper, the effect of perturbed edges on the Seidel energy of complete bipartite graphs and complete split graphs is studied. Finally, these graphs are ordered according to their Seidal energies.
Migraines are classified as a neurological disorder defined by recurrent headaches with pain that ranges from mild to severe. Currently, this disorder lacks a permanent cure and definitive diagnostic test. Diagnosis instead requires an assessment of physical and psychological symptoms which differ among patients. To help in the diagnosis process, medical expert systems have been developed and validated since 1960. In this paper, we propose the Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment Expert System (MDATES), a medical expert system for migraine diagnosis and treatment recommendation. The system was designed and implemented using the C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) shell. MDATES is able to recognize seven symptoms, two classes of migraines (chronic and episodic), and four subtypes of migraine-classification knowledge (hormonal, aura, hemiplegic, and cluster). A dataset of 300 anonymized patient records with confirmed migraine cases was used to test the system. The diagnoses generated by MDATES were compared against the known diagnoses, and a high level of accuracy was observed, with 67% of the 100 training cases were correctly diagnosed, and 100% of the 200 testing cases were correctly diagnosed. These results highlight the effectiveness and reliability of MDATES and provide valuable assistance to medical professionals in diagnosing migraines. Moreover, we present a literature review that places our proposed system within the broader context of rule-based expert systems for migraine diagnosis and treatment recommendation. This review explores the effectiveness, limitations, and challenges of these systems, and accurately places our system within the current landscape.
Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is the primary source of foreign exchange in Indonesia's plantation sector. However, these plants are very vulnerable to attack by Ganoderma spp., which causes basal stem rot (BSR) and upper stem rot (USR) disease, resulting in significant economic losses. In this study, antagonistic assays of the G17 isolate obtained from the gut of black soldier fly (BSF) larvae showed potential biocontrol against G. boninense. Furthermore, antibiosis assays showed that the Stenotrophomonas maltophilia G17 isolate inhibited the growth of G. boninense by up to 85.56%–91.98%. Molecular identification using 16S rRNA, reinforced by biochemical characterization tests, confirmed the G17 isolate as S. maltophilia. Growth test results showed that S. maltophilia G17 cannot grow at a temperature of 37 °C within 24 h. The isolate also exhibited negative hemolytic activity, indicating it is not a pathogenic bacterium. S. maltophilia G17 exhibited lytic enzymes such as proteolytic, lipolytic, and chitinolytic activity. Among them, chitinolytic enzymes might be involved in the biocontrol process.
Failaka Island has a marina, which was constructed in 1979 and managed by the Ministry of Communication (MOC) in collaboration with Touristic Enterprises Company (TEC). The marina is widely used for its ferry landing facility. The coastal waters around Failaka are turbid, and current velocities tend to be as high as ∼0.5 m/s during spring tide. The marina basin, with axial plane view and dimensions of about 285m by 260m, experiences shoaling of naturally flocculated fine (cohesive) sediment and coarse sand at the entrance of the channel and more generally in the southern half of the basin. Particularly noteworthy is its heavy shoaling zone along the inner side of the south breakwater close to the entrance. The Failaka island marina is suffering from siltation and sediment deposition issues. The study was carried out numerically to assess the annual sedimentation, sediment direction, and longshore current from different locations around the marina and recommend solutions to reduce the siltation and sediment deposition based on sediment transport direction at the marina entrance. The study shows that the sediment is mostly transported to the Failaka marina entrance from the southeast due to wave action. The cumulative sediment transport for the period 2016 to 2020 as depicted from locations 1 and 2, which are vulnerable to the southeast waves, is 9,164 m3 and 12,323 m3. The annual sediment transport direction affecting the marina is oriented from south to north due to wave action.
The aim of this study is to examine the relationships between height growth and some site factors of Crimean juniper in southwestern Anatolia. The data was collected from 130 sample plots selected from 10 districts in western Anatolia. The age and height of the Crimean juniper were measured in each sample plot. Surface soil samples collected from each sample plot were analyzed for pH, organic matter, carbonate content, texture, stoniness, available water capacity, wilting point, and field capacity. All site index values were calculated at a standard age of 100 years old. Spearman and Pearson correlation analyses were used to determine the relationships between plus tree and site factors. According to Spearman's correlation analysis, the site index showed a negative relationship with limestone. According to the results of the Pearson correlation analysis, the numerical variables LATTUD, SLOPE, SURSTON, and HINDEX had a 1% relationship with the site index, and RINDEX had a 5% relationship. Once the binary relationships had been determined, the multivariate relationships were modelled using generalized additive models. The best site index model was obtained using a generalized additive model 1 (R = 0.63), including latitude, longitude, altitude, slope, and stoniness.
Aeromagnetic data over parts of the Northern Anambra and Southern Bida basins have been evaluated with emphasis on the subsurface geologic structures controlling mineralization and delineating the geomorphology of the basin. Four aeromagnetic data sheets (246 (Kabba), 247 (Lokoja), 266 (Auchi), and 267 (Idah)) were acquired through purchase, assemblage, analysis, and interpretation using integrated processing techniques of Euler deconvolution, analytical signal (AS), source parameter imaging (SPI), and 3D magnetic inversion model. The data are collected laterally in a series of NW-SE trajectories spaced 2 km apart, with an average flight altitude of approximately 150 m, and tielines occurring at approximately 20 km intervals. Qualitative observation of TMI and RAM shows that the research region is greatly fractured, with structures orienting in the E-W direction. The spectral analysis result shows that the sedimentary infillings range from 0.60 to 4.03 km. 3D model and curie isotherm depth subsurface maps reveal deeper curie depths at Kabba, Adavi, and Itakpe zones (28.0–40.0 km) and shallow curie depths at Auchi, Osara, Idah, and Anyigba areas (18.0–27.0 km). The result from the heat flow model shows an inverse relationship with the Curie isotherm depth. The contact depth sources calculated from Euler depth assessments show that the majority of these contact sources are trending in the E-W directions. The overall structural geomorphology of the research region conforms to the general pattern of structural trends within the research region. Most of the structures are trending NNE-SSW, NNW-SSE, and NE-SW, while the minor structures trend in the E-W direction. 3D inversion results show a discrete subsurface geologic structure that may house minerals within the region.
Probability models play crucial role in modeling loss in the finance and actuarial sciences. In this article, a new family of loss distributions known as the Tan F-Loss family of distributions is proposed with the Tan Weibull Loss distribution as a special case. The density exhibits decreasing, right skewed, symmetric, and approximately symmetric shapes. The hazard rate function shows decreasing and modified bathtub shapes. The statistical properties of the Tan Weibull Loss distribution including the quantile function, moments, expansion of the general rate, moment generating function, incomplete moment, and order statistics are studied. The maximum likelihood estimators of the distribution are also studied. Simulations are carried out to examine the behavior of the estimators. The results show that the estimators are consistent. The usefulness of the proposed distribution is demonstrated with two insurance loss datasets. The results show that the proposed distribution gives a better parametric to the two datasets compared with the competing distributions.
Bioengineering has excellent potential in plant-based in vitro cultures for efficiently synthesizing desired plant products. Due to the rapid destruction of natural habitats, in vitro methods might save endangered species. Winged-Stem Canscora is an endangered medicinal herb used in traditional medicine for brain disorders. This study investigates the induction of in-vitro metabolite production using chitosan. Among the various concentrations of auxins tested, 82% of callus was obtained from Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 3 mg L−1 Kinetin (KIN) + 1 mg L−1 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The highest callus content was after the 3rd subculture at 200 mg L−1 chitosan treatment. On the 70th day of culture, levels of total phenolics and flavonoids are increased in the elicited and normal callus. However, antioxidant activity was higher in elicited callus compared to normal callus and wild plants. Higher secondary metabolite concentrations of elicited callus have superior anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity. Secondary metabolites from elicited callus have a lower inhibitory concentration than those from wild plant and normal callus. High-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis showed that the elicited callus had higher amounts of mangiferin (0.178 μg mL−1) and scopoletin (0.133 μg mL−1). An efficient approach was employed to ensure that sufficient amounts of the widely used plant secondary metabolites from medicinal plants, such as mangiferin and scopoletin, were accessible to meet demand.