Leptin and ghrelin have been linked to depressive symptoms in older adults. There is a large overlap between depression and anxiety in this group. It is unclear whether the same associations exist with anxiety. Adiponectin has an inverse association with anxiety in older adults. However, the association between the most biologically active isoform - high-molecular-weight (HMW) adiponectin - and anxiety has not been previously reported.
We analyzed the association between leptin, ghrelin and HMW adiponectin and general symptoms of anxiety (HADS-A score ≥ 7) at baseline and after three years of follow-up in a population based cohort of older adults in the Netherlands (n = 898) using multivariable logistic regression analyses.
For leptin there was significant effect modification by sex. We found a positive association between leptin and general symptoms of anxiety in men at baseline and after three years of follow-up after adjusting for depressive symptoms, when comparing the third to the first leptin tertile (T3 vs T1 OR 3.40, 95 % CI 1.08 – 10.78).
We found no significant associations for ghrelin.
HMW adiponectin was associated with general symptoms of anxiety at follow up. We found a positive association both before and after adjustment for depressive symptoms (T3 vs T1 OR 3.26, 95 % CI 1.36 – 7.83).
Our results showed significant associations in men only between leptin and HMW adiponectin and general symptoms of anxiety after three years of follow up. Our findings contribute to further insight into the pathophysiology of anxiety in older adults. However, further research is necessary as we show associations.
Epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation (DNAm), can play a role in the biological embedding of early-life adversity (ELA) through serotonergic mechanisms. The current study examines methylation of the CpG island in the promoter region of the stress-responsive serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) and is the first to jointly assess how it is influenced by ELA severity, timing, and type—specifically, deprivation and threat.
We use data from 627 Youth Emotion Project study participants, recruited from two US high schools. Using adjusted linear regressions, we analyze DNA collected in early adulthood from 410 participants and ELA based on interviewer-rated responses from concurrent Childhood Trauma Interviews, adjusting for survey-measured covariates.
ELA robustly predicted mean CpG island SLC6A4 DNAm percent across 71 CpG sites. Each additional major-severity ELA event was associated with a 0.121-percentage-point increase (p<0.001), equating to a 0.177 standard deviation (sd) higher DNAm level (95 % CI: 0.080, 0.274) with each 1-sd higher adversity score. When modeled separately, both childhood and adolescent ELA predicted SLC6A4 DNAm. When modeled jointly, adolescent ELA was most strongly predictive, and child adversity remained significantly associated with DNAm through indirect associations via adolescent adversity. Additionally, the ELA-SLC6A4 DNAm association may vary by adversity type. Across separate models for childhood and adolescent exposures, deprivation coefficients are positive and statistically significant. Meanwhile, threat coefficients are positive and not significantly significant but do not statistically differ from deprivation coefficients. In models including all ELA dimensions, one major adolescent deprivation event is associated with a 0.222-percentage-point increased SLC6A4 DNAm (p<0.05), or a 1-sd higher deprivation score with a 0.157-sd increased DNAm.
Results further implicate epigenetic modification on serotonergic neurotransmission via DNAm in the downstream sequelae of ELA—particularly adolescent deprivation—and support preventive interventions in adolescence to mitigate biological embedding.