Back cover image: A lightweight battery has been successfully created using a cathode that uses sulfur, which is abundant as a resource, as the active material. The battery uses an electrolyte solution and is lightweight, with the goal of becoming a power source for next-generation aircraft. The graphic depicts the mining of abundant sulfur, which is then delivered to a large battery center by a series of transportation systems. It also symbolically shows that the battery that takes off from that battery center powers the aircraft. The fact that both the batteries on the ground and in the air have an liquid electrolyte is shown in translucent form. Furthermore, the present graphic implies that the electricity stored in the batteries is generated by hydroelectric power, a renewable energy source, and together with the green ground, giving the impression of the total system that is environmentally friendly.
Article number: 10.1002/cey2.585
Takashi Hakari & Masashi Ishikawa