This mixed-methods case study explores the impact of board games on enhancing classroom climate and emotional intelligence among Moroccan students learning Spanish as a foreign language. The research employed a sample of 86 students. The experimental group implemented board games as an educational intervention over six sessions. The mixed-methods design incorporated quantitative surveys to assess changes in classroom climate and emotional intelligence and qualitative interviews to delve deeper into the students' perceptions and experiences. The findings indicate that board games positively affect classroom climate and emotional intelligence by fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment. Qualitative results further reveal that the experience was universally perceived as enjoyable, engaging, and conducive to collaborative creativity. However, this study acknowledges some limitations, such as a relatively small sample size and the short-term nature of the intervention. Future research should investigate larger and more diverse samples, employing longitudinal studies to assess the long-term sustainability of these effects. In conclusion, this research illuminates the potential of board games as a valuable tool for enhancing a positive classroom climate, ultimately enriching the educational experience for students of Spanish as a foreign language.