Single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) boost converters have been applied in portable electronic devices, but the cross-regulation severely deteriorates its dynamic performance. Meanwhile, parasitic parameters have a significant impact on the cross-regulation. To suppress the cross-regulation and improve the performance of a non-ideal SIDO boost converter, an improved adaptive sliding mode control strategy is proposed in this paper. Considering the parasitic resistor of the inductor, capacitors and MOSFETs, a nonlinear mathematical model of the non-ideal SIDO boost converter is established. Based on the differential geometry theory, a set of output functions that meet the requirements of exact feedback linearization is constructed to linearize the model. An improved adaptive reaching law is proposed to reduce the sliding mode chattering. Combining adaptive technology, improved adaptive sliding mode controllers are designed. The stability and robustness of the control system are verified based on Lyapunov theory. Compared with the existing control method, simulation and experimental results show that the proposed control strategy provides a rapider response, lower cross-regulation, and better performance.