There is a view that the perception of thirst and actual body fluid balance may affect cognitive and exercise performance. The evolutionary evidence suggests that our survival was dependent on our ability to sweat profusely when hunting during the heat of the day (persistence hunting), so if water deficits were not tolerated, consequently the thirst mechanism would limit our persistence hunting capability. This also means that hunting and searching for water was undertaken with some extent of water deficit, and in turn suggests that performance; physical and cognitive, was conducted with a degree of dehydration. Given the current views on the maintenance of body water for performance, there is a need to evaluate the evidence relating to tolerance limits for water deficits with respect to both physical and cognitive performance. This review considers the thirst mechanism and the conditions and selective pressures under which this might have evolved. Consideration will be given to how the thirst mechanism influences our physical and cognitive performance. The review suggests that Homo developed appropriate tolerances for water deficits and thirst perception, with a safety margin that prevented detrimental declines in physical and cognitive performance to the point of inhibiting corrective action. This would have offered a selective advantage, enabling the search for water and functioning adequately during periods of water scarcity.
Cortisol hormone is considered the main corticosteroid in fish stress, acting through glucocorticoid (GR) or mineralocorticoid (MR) receptor. The 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) corticosteroid is also secreted during stress and could complement the cortisol effects, but this still not fully understood. Hence, we evaluated the early transcriptomic response of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver by DOC through GR or MR. Thirty juvenile trout were pretreated with an inhibitor of endogenous cortisol synthesis (metyrapone) by intraperitoneal injection in presence or absence of GR (mifepristone) and MR (eplerenone) pharmacological antagonists for one hour. Then, fish were treated with a physiological DOC dose or vehicle (DMSO-PBS1X as control) for three hours (n = 5 per group). We measured several metabolic parameters in plasma, together with the liver glycogen content. Additionally, we constructed cDNA libraries from liver of each group, sequenced by HiseqX Illumina technology and then analyzed by RNA-seq. Plasma pyruvate and cholesterol levels decreased in DOC-administered fish and only reversed by eplerenone. Meanwhile, DOC increased liver glycogen contents depending on both corticosteroid receptor pathways. RNA-seq analysis revealed differential expressed transcripts induced by DOC through GR (448) and MR (1901). The enriched biological processes to both were mainly related to stress response, protein metabolism, innate immune response and carbohydrates metabolism. Finally, we selected sixteen genes from enriched biological process for qPCR validation, presenting a high Pearson correlation (0.8734 average). These results describe novel physiological effects of DOC related to early metabolic and transcriptomic responses in fish liver and differentially modulated by MR and GR.
Atlantic salmon were subjected to an acute crowding scenario, and their subsequent stress responses were observed under three distinct swimming speed/water flow (WF) conditions: 0.5, 1, and 1.5 body lengths per second (BL/s). Feces, dermal mucus, and plasma were collected for analysis at 1, 6, and 24 h (h) post-stress. Additionally, the head kidney and two regions of the brain (pituitary and POA) were collected for transcript expression analysis. Fish swimming at 0.5 BL/s exhibited higher pre-stress (baseline) cortisol levels. Across all groups and matrices, the highest cortisol/cortisol metabolites (CM) levels were observed at the 1 h post-stress sampling point. At 6 h (second sampling time point), a clear decline toward baseline levels were observe in all groups. Significant increases in mean plasma glucose levels were observed at 1 h post-stress for all groups. The mean plasma lactate levels varied based on WF treatments, with a significant increase observed at 1 h only for the 1.5 BL/s group. Additionally, significant decreases in mean plasma lactate were noted at 6 and 24 h post-stress for some groups. The mRNA abundances of the tested genes (star, cyp17a1, hsd11β2, srd5a1) increased following the stress events. These changes were not uniform across all groups and were tissue dependent. In summary, the results indicate that mucus and feces can be used as potentially less invasive matrices than blood for evaluating stress and, consequently, the welfare of Atlantic salmon in captivity.
Evidence suggests that fish are more tolerant than mammals to imbalanced dietary amino acid profiles. However, the behavioral and physiological responses of fish to individual deficiencies in dietary indispensable amino acids (IDAA) remain unclear. This study examined how stomachless fish respond to diets deficient in limiting IDAA (lysine, methionine, and threonine), using Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model. The response to deficient diets was assessed based on; 1) growth performance and feeding efficiency; 2) feed intake; 3) expression of appetite-regulating hormones and nutrient-sensing receptors; and 4) muscle postprandial free amino acid (FAA) levels. There were 6 treatments, each with 3 replicate tanks. A semi-purified diet was formulated for each group. The CG diet was based on casein and gelatin, while the FAA50 diet had 50 % of dietary protein supplied with crystalline amino acids. Both were formulated to contain matching, balanced amino acid profiles. The remaining diets were formulated the same as the FAA50 diet, with minor adjustments to create deficiencies in selected IDAA. The (−) Lys, (−) Met, and (−) Thr diets had lysine, methionine, and threonine withheld from the FAA mix, respectively, and the Def diet was deficient in all three. The juvenile Zebrafish were fed to satiation 3 times daily from 21 to 50 days-post-hatch. Results showed that 50 % replacement of dietary protein with crystalline amino acids significantly reduced growth of juvenile Zebrafish. There were no significant differences in growth between the FAA50 group and groups that received deficient diets. The deficiency of singular IDAA did not induce significant changes in feed intake; however, the combined deficiency in the Def diet caused a significant increase in feed intake. This increased feed intake led to decreased feeding efficiency. A significant decrease in feeding efficiency was also observed in the (−) Lys group. There was an observed upregulation of neuropeptide Y (NPY), an orexigenic hormone, in the Def group. Overall, results from this study suggest stomachless fish increase feed intake when challenged with IDAA-deficient diets, and the regulation of NPY might play a role in this response.
Regulation of salt and water balance occupies a dominant role in the physiology of many animals and often relies on the function of the renal system. In the mammalian kidney, epithelial ion and water transport requires high degree of coordination between the transcellular and paracellular pathways, the latter being defined by the intercellular tight junctions (TJs). TJs seal the paracellular pathway in a highly specialized manner, either by forming a barrier against the passage of solutes and/or water or by allowing the passage of ions and/or water through them. This functional TJ plasticity is now known to be provided by the members of the claudin family of tetraspan proteins. Unlike mammalian nephron, the renal structures of insects, the Malpighian tubules, lack TJs and instead have smooth septate junctions (sSJs) as paracellular barrier forming junctions. Many questions regarding the molecular and functional properties of sSJs remain open but research on model species have begun to inform our understanding. The goal of this commentary is to highlight key concepts and most recent findings that have emerged from the molecular and functional dissection of paracellular barriers in the mammalian and insect renal epithelia.