This paper presents the development of fluorescent tracer particles for use in gas flows as a countermeasure for undesired strong light reflections on surfaces of channel walls or obstacles and as a label for the discrimination of multi-constituent flows. The employment of fluorescent dye-doped tracer particles with a wavelength-specific optical filter enables the separation of the Stokes-shifted particle light emission from reflections on surfaces and Mie scattering from non-fluorescing particles. The fluorescent particles were made of Pyrromethene 567 (P567) and Di-Ethyl-Hexyl-Sebacate (DEHS), and the addition of P567 was not found to alter the characteristics of the particles generated. Investigations in a low-speed wind tunnel revealed that the intensity of fluorescent emission is proportional to the dye concentration at least up to (2.0,hbox {g l}^{-1}). The efficacy of reflection removal was investigated in a setup with a metal turbine blade placed in the flow and a laser sheet oriented to impinge the blade surface. With the installation of an appropriate optical filter, undesired light reflections were successfully removed, and reasonable vector calculations were enabled in proximity to the reflective blade surfaces. Finally, the performance of the modified DEHS was compared to conventional DEHS with the measurement of a canonical turbulent boundary layer (TBL). The flow was globally seeded with conventional DEHS and the TBL was locally seeded with fluorescing DEHS; simultaneous imaging with a notch filter confirmed that the flow is accurately tracked by the modified DEHS without additional bias. Furthermore, this indicated the possibility of using the newly developed particles to segregate portions of a flow with multiple constituents.