The concept of Industry 5.0 underscores the societal importance of aligning digital technologies, human centrality (including work), and sustainability within production systems. However, its practical implementation faces significant challenges. Considering the central role of work in production systems as envisioned by ergonomics, this study addresses the following research question: What is the role of work, and how can it contribute to ensuring that technology-intensive production systems align with the principles of Industry 5.0, making them human-centered, sustainability-driven, and resilient? In this context, the objective of this research is (i) to map scientific contributions that connect digital technologies, sustainability, and work in production systems, (ii) to investigate gaps and opportunities in scientific literature and possible contributions related to the discipline of ergonomics and (iii) propose theoretical and practical implications. To this end, a systematic literature review was conducted in the Scopus database, aiming to identify studies that connected the three themes. A final sample of 115 articles was obtained, which served as the basis for a content analysis. The results revealed scientific contributions linking digital technologies and work within the context of sustainable development and corporate sustainability. The study also identified seven groups of papers (technology improvement, competent workers, interaction, expanded capabilities, work management, training and embodying) focusing on the intersection of work and digital technology, specifically, ways in which technology influences work/worker and vice versa. Future studies are called to deepen the theoretical concept of Industry 5.0; develop tools, frameworks and indicators; develop more empirical studies; focus more on the role of the worker; and develop solutions to monitor the impacts of technology on work overtime. This study also reinforces the potential of using the discipline of ergonomics as theoretical background to leapfrog knowledge for this research agenda. This is because this discipline has been already developing knowledge on the connection between work and sustainability towards different lines of research that can also be applied in the context of production systems with intensive use of digital technologies. Based on this, theoretical implications for researchers and practical implications for organizations and policymakers were defined, aiming to build human-centered and sustainable production systems.