The most significant dangers, associated with equipment for handling/lifting loads in industrial contexts, maintenance activities and intermodal transport, are overturns, collapses and load falls. Accidents have a significant potential for injury, death and damage especially in major hazard industries due the potential release of hazardous substances. The literature review shows a lack of data to be used in performing complete risk assessments in sectors where the use of cranes could increase the risk due to the plant operability. The aim of this study is to fill this gap. The analysis of the accident and near-miss reports and the construction of a database have been the starting point of this work. The definition of the correlation accident-cause, by means of the development of bowtie analyses, supports in calculating the accidental rates and in understanding the main improvements to reduce the number of the undesired events, and to support the risk management. Focusing on major accident hazards, the top events have been identified and the bowties have been developed. By using the dataset, quantitative bowties have been provided to the risk analyst for several contexts. A case-study, which is a facility inside a refinery, has been used to quantify the effect due to crane activity inside the establishment in term of frequencies. Data processing is subject to uncertainties of various kinds, linked to technological change, the greater or lesser complexity of regulations and compliance with them. The results have been validated by using a similar dataset.