An important complexity in censored data is that only partial information on the variables of interest is observed. In recent years, a large family of asymmetric distributions and maximum likelihood estimation for the parameters in that family has been studied, in the complete data case. In this paper, we exploit the appealing family of quantile-based asymmetric distributions to obtain flexible distributions for modelling right censored survival data. The flexible distributions can be generated using a variety of symmetric distributions and monotonic link functions. The interesting feature of this family is that the location parameter coincides with an index-parameter quantile of the distribution. This family is also suitable to characterize different shapes of the hazard function (constant, increasing, decreasing, bathtub and upside-down bathtub or unimodal shapes). Statistical inference is done for the whole family of distributions. The parameter estimation is carried out by optimizing a non-differentiable likelihood function. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are established. The finite-sample performance of the proposed method and the impact of censorship are investigated via simulations. Finally, the methodology is illustrated on two real data examples (times to weaning in breast-fed data and German Breast Cancer data).