Research on deep seawater is of great importance to marine chemistry, biology, and climate science studies. Sample analysis is the fundamental and most effective method for deep-seawater research, and it is essential to collect high-quality water samples for the scientific community. Over nearly a century, various deep-seawater samplers have been developed to meet different research needs. This study provides a comprehensive review of deep-seawater sampling technology and instruments to highlight the associated research background and importance, summarize sampling principles, and categorize typical samplers. This review focuses on the key technologies that deep-seawater samplers perform, including sealing, pressure maintenance, and temperature maintenance. Finally, prospects are presented in terms of three aspects: high fidelity, long-term series sampling, and precise sampling using autonomous underwater vehicles. This review can serve as a reference to achieve the precise sampling of deep seawater with high fidelity and spatiotemporal resolution in the future.
Microplastic pollution is ubiquitous in the oceans, threatening the health of marine ecosystems. The deep sea is recognized as a sink for microplastics, but there is a paucity of information on how deep-sea organisms are being affected by this stressor. Considering their vulnerability to disturbance, this information is crucial to fully understand the need for conservation actions. Here, we develop a novel methodology to provide a detailed characterisation of the behavioural responses of the cold-water octocoral Viminella flagellum to microplastic exposure under laboratory conditions. Coral fragments were individually exposed to a concentration of 1500 items/L of fluorescent green polyethylene microspheres biofouled for three weeks, for a period of 24 h, and carefully monitored for the entire exposure period using high resolution time-lapse video. After exposure, each fragment was transferred to another tank, free of microplastics, and monitored for further 24 h. The coral fragments were dissected at the end of the experimental period to assess the number of microplastics that remained in the digestive tract of each polyp. Our results showed that during this short-term exposure period, V. flagellum was ingesting microspheres, but most importantly it demonstrated the capacity of egesting all particles within 24 h. These results are especially important when quantifying microplastic contamination in cold-water corals in their natural habitat, as only recently ingested microplastics may be detected, leading to potential underestimations of their exposure. Additionally, our results indicated that microplastics adhered to the coral tissue surface could be discarded through periodic shedding of the mucus. These observations suggest that cold-water octocorals can handle microplastics as they do with other foreign particles, although the cleaning mechanisms may require significant energy expenditures.
Sponges play vital roles in the ecosystem function of the deep sea. Some species, such as the birds' nest sponge Pheronema carpenteri, can form highly structured and dense habitats (i.e., aggregations), which contribute to the increase of nearby biodiversity. Climate change is expected to have a pronounced impact on the deep sea, particularly on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems such as those formed by the glass sponge Pheronema carpenteri. These ecosystems are especially vulnerable to climate change and other anthropogenic activities since they are formed by sensitive species with slow growth rates and limited dispersal capability, which can hinder their adaptive capability and recovery after disturbance. The impact that climate change will have on Pheronema carpenteri remains unclear, although it is expected to influence the species' available suitable habitat and distribution range. The aim of this study was to predict the distribution of the glass sponge Pheronema carpenteri both for present day and under several future climate scenarios in the North Atlantic. An ensemble modelling approach was employed, combining Maximum Entropy, Generalized Additive Models and Random Forest techniques. Changes in available suitable habitat were projected to present day and to three future climatic scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5). Depth, temperature and dissolved oxygen were identified as the key predictor variables of habitat suitability, which patterns suggest a strong influence of the Mediterranean Outflow Water in shaping the present day distribution of the species, particularly in the eastern North Atlantic. Our results indicate a potential expansion of available suitable habitat in the northernmost region of the study area, with a contraction at lower latitudes, more prominent in the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores. Under the worst-case scenario (RCP 8.5), the area of suitable habitat will likely double compared to present, occupying approximately 6% of the total study area. The management and conservation of areas where Pheronema aggregations can occur should be articulated between different countries, particularly in the Northeast Atlantic since, cumulatively, most of Pheronema's climate refugia occurs within their EEZs. Nonetheless, a significant proportion of the species' climate refugia is located in areas within the High Seas (i.e., Rockall plateau).
Tracking large-scale movements of fishes in the ocean’s midwaters, below the euphotic zone and above the seafloor, is extremely challenging. Archival satellite telemetry devices rely on light, sea surface temperature, or bottom depth data to estimate location. Consequently, geolocation of fishes inhabiting the twilight (mesopelagic: 200–1000 m) and midnight (bathypelagic: 1000–4000 m) zones has been restricted to hypothesized movement routes, thereby precluding a baseline ecological understanding against which to assess potential anthropogenic impacts. We assessed the viability of comparing depth-temperature profiles measured by animal-borne satellite tags against those from 3D ocean-resolving models and incorporated known locations from acoustic telemetry to enable a quantitative framework for deep-sea geolocation. Testing of alternative, data-driven likelihood scenarios on a deep-water shark species assemblage with marked variation in modal depth distributions confirmed that the methodological frontier of geolocation can be advanced into the twilight and midnight zones. We identify key limitations in deep-water geolocation, and ways to overcome them, identifying a viable path for robust location estimates that can help address the knowledge gap on fish movement ecology in the deep sea. Our findings suggest that leveraging state-of-the-art geolocation approaches, in combination with novel technologies, raises new opportunities for studying enigmatic deep-ocean ecosystems.
Studies regarding oceanic mesoscale and submesoscale processes and their impact on chlorophyll are mainly confined to weeks to decadal time scales. Based on biogeochemical-Argo float observations and altimeter data in the Southern Ocean in summer of 2016, we show the day-night chlorophyll difference inside a cyclonic eddy (ΔChlTCE) and an anticyclonic eddy (ΔChlTACE) associated with submesoscale processes. A diurnal cycle of chlorophyll is observed in the upper 50 m, with ΔChlTCE (1.5 mg m−3) as much as ten times that of ΔChlTACE (0.15 mg m−3). However, there are similar ratios of day-night chlorophyll difference to the maximum chlorophyll concentration in a day for the cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies (∼67%). Submesoscale processes present different impacts on the subsurface chlorophyll between the cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies on the diurnal scale. More significant submesoscale processes in the cyclonic eddy dominate the subsurface negative ΔChlTCE. It causes the phytoplankton to penetrate the bottom of the mixed layer and extend ∼50 m below the mixed layer. In contrast, submesoscale processes and their associated with vertical buoyancy flux only generate weak negative subsurface ΔChlTACE. The strong vertical gradient of ΔChlTACE is mainly dominated by the vertical displacement of the deep chlorophyll maximum.
In this study, we mainly used in-situ observations from underwater gliders to analyze the ocean response in the northern South China Sea affected by Son-tinh (2018), Mandal et al. (2018) Mangkhut (2018)and Noul (2020). The results showed that these TCs caused 0.6 °C, 1.1 °C and 1.7 °C maximum sea surface temperature cooling respectively, which were weaker than general conditions because of long distance, weak intensity and fast movement speed. Net solar radiation, precipitation, 10-m wind and sea surface heat flux also made contribution in changes of SST. The mixed layer depth (MLD) became shallower after Son-Tinh and Noul passed through, while during Mangkhut it did not change significantly. After TCs passed through, the stratification around MLD became more obvious, with a banded distribution and stronger high-value areas of buoyancy frequency. Within 1 week after the shortest distance, the temperature and salinity responses in the upper ocean were stronger than those at the sea surface, and the gradients of temperature and salinity and their anomalies were more evident in the subsurface layer. The results of this study show that underwater glider observations are important for understanding oceanic responses to tropical cyclones and are useful for studying tropical cyclone activities.
The megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) is one of the ocean's largest and most enigmatic elasmobranchs, with only a few hundred individuals ever recorded. Most of what is known about the species comes from rare fishery bycatch, stranding, or sighting events, precluding an in-depth understanding of its movement ecology. Here, we report the results from three megamouth sharks outfitted with pop-up satellite archival transmitting tags to assess the species' horizontal and vertical movement patterns. Deployments of 12, 58, and 244 d in duration provided the first direct evidence of multi-month fidelity to the waters east of Taiwan and seasonal movement out of the region. Depth and temperature data revealed a pattern of normal diel vertical migration, with the majority of the day spent in the mesopelagic zone and night in the epipelagic. Vertical habitat use suggests potential behavioral thermoregulation and was consistent with tracking of migrating mesopelagic prey across diel periods. We discuss the specialized analytical methods needed to reconstruct the spatial habitat use of deep-diving megamouth shark from tag sensor measurements of the magnetic field, as well as avenues for future research on this understudied megaplanktivore.