Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effects of commercial tattoo inks used in corneal tattooing on conjunctival microbiota.
Method: This prospective case control study consisted of 125 participants divided in the following three groups: 35 patients with corneal tattoos, 40 patients with corneal leukoma, and 50 healthy subjects. Corneal tattooing was performed in all the cases in this study using a tattoo pen machine and commercial tattoo ink. A total of 500 cultures were taken from 250 eyes of 125 individuals on chocolate and sheep blood agar. Bacteriological samples were taken from the inferior eyelid conjunctiva using a sterile cotton swab. Without any contact elsewhere, the swabs were smeared on bedside chocolate agars and 5% sheep blood agar.
Results: In tattooed eyes, bacterial growth was detected in 42.9% of the chocolate and sheep blood agar samples. In other healthy eyes of patients with corneal tattoos, 54.5% bacterial growth on chocolate agar and 57.1% on sheep blood agar were detected. No statistical difference was detected in the conjunctival microbiota of chocolate and sheep blood agar (p = 0.254, p = 0.134, respectively) in the tattooed eyes compared to the other eye of the individual. No statistically significant difference was found in terms of bacterial growth in tattooed, leukoma, or healthy eyes on chocolate and sheep blood agar (p = 0.408, p = 0.349). The growth rate of Staphylococcus epidermidis decreased by 33.3% (from 12 to 8) on chocolate agar in 35 tattooed eyes, and it decreased by 28.5% (from 14 to 10) on sheep blood agar, while gram-negative bacteria Brevundimonas diminuta, Acinetobacter lwoffii, and Psychrobacter faecalis were detected in three patients.
Conclusion: Corneal tattooing using commercial dye does not affect conjunctival microbiota. In the past 3 years, 120 patients have been tattooed with commercial tattoo ink in Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Training and Research Hospital. No complications related to infection were found in the 3-year follow-up. The gram-negative bacteria detected in the healthy control group and tattooed eyes were bacteria found on normal skin or in the respiratory tract. Although some gram-negative bacteria do not cause infection, careful eye examination, follow-up, and culture are required in suspicious cases.