The changes in the neutron spectrum produced by the AmBe neutron source moderated in the polyethylene sphere need to be characterized. A passive single-moderator neutron spectrometer with indium foil activation neutron detector has been developed to characterize the neutron spectrum of an AmBe source inside a polyethylene sphere. The detector response function was calculated using the MCNPX 2.7 program with IRDFF-II nuclear data library. Measurements were conducted by placing the Single-Cylindrical Neutron Spectrometer (SCNS) on the outer surface of the sphere for 5 h. The 116mIn activity due to neutron activation in each indium foil was measured using a gamma spectrometer with an HPGe detector. By identifying the count value at the peak energy of 1294 KeV and considering an HPGe detector efficiency of 3.2% at the foil position 1 mm above the detector surface, the activity of 116mIn was obtained. The activity value of 116mIn from each indium foil was compared with the MCNPX simulation results. The neutron spectrum was unfolded using the UMG 3.3 program with activity data input of 116mIn for each foil and detector response. A neutron spectrum was obtained with a total neutron flux of 634 ± 60 n/cm2·s, consisting of 25% thermal neutrons, 16% epithermal neutrons, and 61% fast neutrons. When compared with the simulation results, the total neutron flux in the spectrum produced by SCNS-In showed only a small difference of 1%. Based on these neutron spectrum measurements, it was determined that placing the AmBe neutron source inside a 15″ diameter PE-sphere will reduce the fast neutron flux by 78%.