Recently, advances in molecular genetic markers have raised significant opportunities for enhancing genetic improvement in dairy animals. Commonly used genetic markers are the DNA-based markers; RFLPs and minisatellites, and PCR-based markers like PCR-RFLP, AFLP, microsatellites, and SNP, etc. They are more direct molecular markers that survey DNA variation itself rather than relying on variations in the electrophoretic mobility of proteins that the DNA encodes. These genetic marker approaches are promising tools for improvement in desired milk production traits in dairy animals. While in some instances, the environmental fluctuations are not being considered while selecting a species for a particular geographical locality which results in productivity deterioration and impaired health conditions. These factors incur a huge financial burden on farmers especially in the developing countries. Therefore, the present study attempts to review various genetic markers in versatile aspects which will prove beneficial for scientists, government and non government organizations as well as breeders to undertake further research in animal selection in addition to promote healthy breeding habits in dairy sector.