Radioisotopes are one of the essential cornerstones of modern medicine. They serve both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. These radioisotopes are mainly produced using charged particle accelerators such as cyclotrons. In this paper, we present a description of a compact high-field superconducting magnet as it is considered the most important part of the cyclotron accelerator because it is approximately 60% of the overall TAAC30 cyclotron design. This 30 MeV cyclotron uses the magnet to boost a magnetic field two times higher than the recently developed conventional H-cyclotrons. This magnet will also be a modern, state-of-the-art design not only because of the higher magnetic field, but also smaller size, lower maintenance, lighter weight, and lower power consumption in comparison with any other magnet available. This design also allows both low construction requirements with operation costs for the production of PET isotopes, which require an internal water target. The acceleration frequency is 200 MHz, and an operating power level of 2–3 kW is foreseen for the acceleration, powered by a compact water-cooled solid-state RF amplifier. The cyclotron, as well as the beam, operates as a fully continuous wave with a 100% duty cycle. This design aims to provide a sustainable supply of the critical imaging isotopes F-18 and N13, eliminating the need of supplying from other production facilities for small centers. Additionally, this paper presents simulation results of this magnet using multiple analysis models, which are sufficient and present high capability in accelerator field.