This paper reports a novel parallel XY piezoelectric stick-slip positioning stage with bionic actuation mechanisms and driving strategies by mimicking fleas in nature. In particular, it exhibits low stress, macro-stroke decoupling, easy regulation, and smooth transition. Double-circular arc bionic flexible hinges are devised to reduce stress. Meanwhile, piezoelectric stick-slip driving is combined with orthogonal guiding mechanisms to realize high resolution, large stroke, and parallel decoupling. Also, a bionic driving strategy with improved Hopf oscillators is proposed to regulate stick-slip motion and decrease system disturbances. Statics and dynamics models are derived, and stress, frequency, and single-step displacement are simulated. Finally, a prototype is manufactured, and its performance is tested. The maximum velocity is 9.03 mm/s, x- and y-direction displacement coupling rates are 0.89 % and 0.92 %, resolutions are 5 nm and 5.5 nm, and maximum horizontal and vertical loads are 1.4 N and 40 N, respectively. Meanwhile, the positioning stage can quickly converge to its steady state even under a 30 V interference and suppress the micro/nano vibration using the proposed driving strategy. Experiments verify the effectiveness of the structural design and bionic driving strategy.