Many adults with Down syndrome (DS) experience difficulty with speech production, and intelligibility challenges and communication breakdowns are common. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) intervention can provide important supports for persons with these complex communication needs, but must be customized to address the goals, strengths, and needs of the individual. This article provides a description of a personalized AAC intervention for a young adult with DS whose speech was frequently unintelligible. The AAC intervention made use of a video visual scene display (VSD) approach, and was investigated in two separate studies in two key community settings: An inclusive post-secondary education program (a single-case reversal ABAB design), and a community shopping activity (a non-experimental AB case study design). The participant demonstrated sharp increases in successful communication and participation in both settings following the introduction of the video VSD, and both the participant and key stakeholders viewed the intervention positively. The results provide preliminary evidence that personalized AAC intervention, including the use of a video VSD approach, can provide important supports for communication and participation in community settings for adults with DS and complex communication needs.