Acute diarrhea is a common condition in dogs. Most cases are mild and self-limiting and according to guidelines, antimicrobial treatment is only indicated in dogs with severe systemic disease. However, antimicrobials are still prescribed in 50–65 % of mild cases. Multiple factors have been shown to influence the antimicrobial prescription decision, including perceived pressure from pet owners. This study aimed to investigate dog owners’ expectations regarding antimicrobial prescription for dogs with acute diarrhea and the attending veterinarians’ perceived owner expectation. To investigate this, a structured telephone interview with owners and a post-consultation questionnaire for the attending veterinarians were conducted. Ninety-nine unique dog-consultations were included with a 91 % owner response rate (n = 90), in these cases 63 % of veterinarians responded (n = 57). Only 6/90 (7 %) owners expressed an expectation of antimicrobial prescription. Of these, two expressed dissatisfaction that antimicrobials were withheld. In 5/57 cases, the attending veterinarian perceived an expectation to prescribe antimicrobials. Three cases aligned with an actual owner expectation, the latter two were pure perception. Eighty percent of owners expressed satisfaction with the consultation in general (n = 72/90), while 16 % (14/90) and 4 % (4/90) expressed minor or major dissatisfaction with non-treatment related issues, respectively. In this study, very few dog owners expressed an expectation of antimicrobials for treatment of acute diarrhea. Likewise, the veterinarians perceived an expectation in only a minority of cases, however, the actual and perceived expectation did not always align. In conclusion, this study suggests that an overall high owner satisfaction is feasible despite a non-antimicrobial approach.